Thursday, August 8th - Sunday, August 11th, 2024

Philadelphia. PA

1C7A4581 (2)
1C7A4559 (2)
1C7A3380 (1)


This is an intimate event rooted in relationship building and focused on helping new and future practice owners gain valuable business and practice management skills to apply in building their dream practice - perfect for practice owners looking to grow!

We will have speakers joining us from across the country to help new practice owners build confidence and competence in every aspect of the practice ownership journey.

From talks on morale and confidence, to practice management, transformation, growth and scalability, these segments barely scratch the surface of the wide range and variety of presentations, knowledge, and support given to attendees.

The magic of Boost is not only the transformative CE, but the relationships and connections that are created between attendees, speakers and sponsors.

Throughout the event we will have several networking opportunities for all - including our kick-off networking event on Thursday, Friday's  Sip + Stroll, our Saturday Happy Hour event, and our Sunday Mimosa + Mosey Sip + Stroll.

Boost 2024 Women Segment Sponsor Prospectus (3)
1C7A3054 (1)
1C7A3706 (2)
1C7A3812 (1)

Secure your Super Dentist Boost Sponsorship Package and save $2,495.00 with Early Bird Pricing now!

Super Dentist Boost Camp Standard Sponsorship Package: $8,995.00  $6,500.00



Join us with a JBT (Just Be There) Ticket! 

The Full Access "Just Be There" Ticket, includes 3 days of networking and sitting in on amazing content, a 3-night hotel stay at the Loews Hotel and your food + beverage throughout the event! Ticket includes any CE offered for that day. 


Full Access "Just Be There" Ticket:  $2,495.00


Only can make it for one day?  Secure a Single Day "Just Be There" Ticket.  Includes 1 day of networking, sitting in on amazing content, and your food + beverage throughout the event!  Ticket includes any CE offered for that day. Hotel not included. You can book discounted lodging at the event venue by clicking here.

Single Day "Just Be There" Ticket:  $895.00

Friday Ticket | August 9th, 2024

Saturday Ticket | August 10th, 2024



Join us as a virtual sponsor and supporter of the event! 

With the Super Dentist Boost Virtual Package, you'll not only be a part of making a positive difference in dentists lives by supporting the next generation of practice owners and current generation of practice owners,  you'll gain great brand awareness, have the opportunity to give a special offer to the audience, be featured in on the live stream and in pre and post event messaging and receive the contact lists of all virtual attendees! 


Super Dentist Boost Camp Virtual Package:  $1,295.00   **If you are a active virtual sponsor of Dental Nachos, contact us at for an extra discount code! 



The women focused segment of our event is designed to help everyone in the dental office overcome and manage the unique challenges facing women in the dental field. These challenges include being a practice owner and a parent at the same time, managing maternity leave for everyone in your office, and how to elevate yourself as a leader in dentistry.

These are challenges that applies to to everyone that works in a dental office.

We will be running our Women focused session Saturday afternoon from 2- 5pm, followed by a celebratory happy hour event for all.

We are looking for support from amazing people and companies looking to support and participate in this portion of our Boost event.

From virtual sponsoship options to being present at a table for all three days of our event, to hosting our happy hour, a breakout session, or participating in a panel, we would love to have you involved.


What sponsors are saying about our Super Dentist Boost Camps: 

I’m very thankful for the opportunity to be here. One thing that I have loved is how personal this is, I know many people are probably saying that. But, just the fact that we can talk to doctors and doctors can talk to us just as normal people has been a very cool, almost unexpected feeling. I feel like that sounds what everyone says but it’s really true. I really love it.
Joshua Munoz
Really love being part of the Dental Nachos community. This place and these people are amazing, the connections that you can make here, the friendships that you can build, coming to these events and being part of the community is energizing. It’s a lot of fun, making a lot connections with people that need help, that want help, that are seeking ways to improve their business. I would encourage people that are considering being part of the community, considering being part of the sponsors to really look into it. It’s been of tremendous value to our agency.
Jamie DiBease
Day One
This is my fourth event with Dental Nachos. They get better everytime we attend. Always a great ROI. Best food, the amazing staff always takes care of us and we always come with amazing relationships. I highly suggest you try a Dental Nachos event, you will not be sorry.
Steven Marinkovich
This is my first time at a Nacho’s event, and it’s really great because in some conferences you kind of get surface level engagement with a lot of the attendees and one thing that we were just talking about is that a lot of the interactions with the attendees here are really intentional and they go deeper and you’re able to have those more in-depth conversations.
Kenzie Leaich
It is our first time here with Dental Nachos. We’re having an amazing time. It’s such a cool network, so many great conversations happening. We’ve made a lot of connections locally but also across the country. And it’s a great group. We definitely look forward to coming back next year. Due to the group size we’ve really had some meaningful conversations, and then you’re able to see those people again and continue to connect which makes it really impactful.
Megan Gregory
Gentle Wave


Special thank you to the awesome sponsors supporting this event! 

Dental Intel Logo 2023
Dentist Job Connect Logo [Black]
Nadapayments Logo 2023
Lasso MD KRS Logo 2022
Edge Health Logo 2023 - NEW (2)
Day One Logo 2023-1
Dynamic Dental Solutions - Super Dentist Boost 2024
SMC Logo - Super Dentist Boost 2024
Elevate Compliance Logo
PPO Profits Logo 2022
Bookkeeping Aesthetics Logo - Super Dentist Boost 2024
Cre8Wise Movement Logo - Super Dentist Boost 2024